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The Challenges of Obtaining Appointments for Immigration Procedures in Spain: A Review of Recent News

spanish flag over a government office.


Obtaining appointments for immigration procedures in Spain has been a topic of concern in recent years. The process of securing appointments has faced various difficulties, leading to frustration and delays for individuals navigating the immigration system. This article aims to provide an overview of the challenges faced by applicants in accessing immigration appointments, based on published news articles from reputable sources.

1.            Insufficient Appointment Availability:

According to reports published by main Spanish newspapers, there has been a notable scarcity of available appointments for immigration procedures in Spain. This scarcity is primarily attributed to an overwhelming demand for services, coupled with a limited capacity to handle the increasing number of applicants. Many individuals seeking appointments for visa applications, residence permits, or other immigration-related matters have encountered significant difficulties in securing timely slots.

2.            Long Waiting Times:

These reports highlights that the limited availability of appointments has resulted in extensive waiting times for applicants. It is not uncommon for individuals to wait several weeks or even months for an available appointment slot. The prolonged waiting periods have added to the frustration and stress experienced by those in need of timely immigration procedures.

3.            Overburdened Administration:

News articles published in various Spanish newspapers shed light on the challenges faced by Spanish immigration administration in managing the high volume of appointment requests. The administrative bodies responsible for processing immigration procedures have struggled to cope with the growing demands, leading to delays and difficulties in securing appointments.

4.            Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic:

The COVID-19 pandemic has further exacerbated the challenges of obtaining appointments for immigration procedures. Reports discuss how the pandemic has disrupted the normal functioning of immigration offices, causing additional delays and limitations in appointment availability. Health and safety protocols, such as reduced staff capacity and the need for social distancing, have added to the strain on the already burdened immigration system.


The difficulties in obtaining appointments for immigration procedures in Spain have been widely reported in reputable news sources in the past years. Insufficient availability, long waiting times, overburdened administration, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic have contributed to these challenges. Recognizing the importance of addressing these issues, stakeholders have called for improvements to enhance accessibility and efficiency within the immigration system.

It is essential for the Spanish authorities to consider these concerns and take proactive steps to alleviate the difficulties faced by individuals seeking immigration appointments. By streamlining appointment processes and increasing administrative capacity, Spain can strive towards a more efficient and accessible immigration system that serves the needs of applicants effectively.


  • Público, “Interior no pone coto al mercado negro de citas de Extranjería y el negocio se extiende a las de Tráfico y el SEPE”, 12/01/2021.

Interior no pone coto al mercado negro de citas de Extranjería y el negocio se extiende a las de Tráfico y el SEPE

Abogados extranjeristas y personas afectadas denuncian que las “mafias” siguen acaparando gran parte de las citas telemáticas para estos trámites fundamentales y las revenden hasta por 300 euros a los desesperados destinatarios o los letrados que les asisten en los procesos de regularización.

  • El País, “Reventa de turnos en la oficina de Extranjería”, 05/10/2019.

Reventa de turnos en la oficina de Extranjería

Los retrasos de la Administración crean un mercado ilegal de las citas previas, vitales para los inmigrantes.

  • El País, “El mercado negro de las citas se extiende por la Administración”, 20/03/2023.

El mercado negro de las citas se extiende por la Administración

Las dificultades para hacer trámites y la inacción de los organismos públicos ante el fraude impulsan un negocio de miles de euros.

  • La Vanguardia, “Los gestores administrativos denuncian los retrasos en los trámites de extranjería y la venta de citas”, 29/12/2021.

Los gestores administrativos denuncian los retrasos en los trámites de extranjería y la venta de citas

“Detrás de cada trámite de extranjería hay una vida, un trabajo y una familia. Es urgente agilizarlos”, alertan desde el Collegi Oficial de Gestors Administratius de Catalunya.

  • El País, “El colapso de las comisarías bloquea los trámites de los ciudadanos extranjeros”, 11/07/2020.

El colapso de las comisarías bloquea los trámites de los ciudadanos extranjeros

Con miles de trámites pendientes y la capacidad limitada para gestionarlos, el negocio de las citas previas vuelve estar en auge y se venden en despachos, locutorios o Wallapop por hasta 200 euros.